Tract and Touch made daring, yet engrossing artworks, performances, and education programmes, from the whole range of exciting things the human voice can do. We were interested in all kinds of voices, from all kinds of people, including people whose voices are seldom heard. We did particularly ground-breaking work with children with profound and multiple learning disability through our project Resonant Tails, the concept for which we are working on donating to another charity.
Tract and Touch formally ceased operations on 5 October 2022, in the wake of how Covid-19 affected our projects, which were heavily voice-focused and included sharing objects. Its concepts now belong to the Tract and Touch Trust, and the ideas of the artistic director, Yvon Bonenfant, continue to be made into work in other ways. If you are interested in re-starting any of our concepts in conjunction with an arts charity, do get in touch.
concepts & projects
Find out more about the work we did.
Resonant Tails
Develops and delivers mobile, voice-art-making environments to children and young adults with complex disability, alongside educational support to staff to get best use from the artwork.